Find Clarity.
Act courageously.

Neurodiverse & Queer Life Coaching
by Joy Zalzala-Soyka

Joy Zalzala-Soyka - Portrait Photo

Hi, I am Joy, my mission is to empower individuals with complex experiences to find clarity within themselves and act courageously in their life. I coach people to overcome fears of failure, reconnect with inner guidance, and craft practical steps to achieve their goals.

From navigating your relationships and career to embracing neurodiversity and personal growth, my holistic approach is tailored to your needs. Let's start an empowering conversation about the change you seek.

Personal coaching sessions over zoom or phone.

Get support with relationships, worklife, ADHD, parenting, resilience, forgiveness & self love.

Life Coaching

Find clarity for your complex life and wishes, let go of limiting beliefs and evolve in a holistic way.


ADHD Coaching

Embrace your neurodivergent mind, leverage your unique strengths and create lasting solutions for your challenges. 

What people say

Testimonials are shared with permission,
while maintaining anonymity of my clients.

“Dear Joy, thank you so much! I had such a great weekend celebrating. I felt so good and happy and another wish came true: 

My partner and my friends were happily hanging out together, chatting and celebrating with me! YAY!

Thank you so much! I feel so much of these dreams coming true was made possible through the work with you and that you deserve some immense credit! thank you SO much for working with me trough the last months! Especially mapping the next months last monday has totally shiftet my feeling towards myself and took so much weight of me. My mum also sends you the best wishes and thanks you too :)”

“Starting my coaching with you, was my best decision of the year.” 

“I have tried to get support in different places. Yet..

 the approaches that most counsellors offer me, are nothing new for me and doesn’t seem to help me at all. Yet during the introductory session you offered me, I gained new thoughts and it somehow inspired me to think about my situation in a new way. So I would like to continue coaching with you. Preferably once a week, if you are available.”

“You and your support always..

accompany me. When I look back on the last year, it seems like no one has had such a lasting and touching effect on me like you. I thank you for that.

I realize how things I have learned from you flow into my every day thoughts and actions, not only that they show up as guiding thoughts, I notice how contradictions disappear, how I consciously multiply good things in my life rather than combating negative ones, I am able to be good to myself and accept life in its depth.
I feel like i am still in the beginning of a great process, and at the same time finding a truth that has always been part of me. I feel my life has taken a great turn towards being good. While I was still skeptical and anxious about the future in the beginning of the year, I am now confident and content.”

“Yesterday I was simply grateful for..

what I am experiencing through your coaching. I experience things that I can literally draw back to a specific session with you and say: yes, this was the moment things shifted”

“Dear Joy, A little miracle happened yesterday!

I had a sore throat all day. Before I left the house in the evening, I listened to the first five minutes of your audio, about dropping sentences like ‘I have to’ and ‘I should’ and something shifted in my mind – I felt again what I WANT to do and the sore throat was magically gone!”

“I would like to thank you for..

the work coaching session. My boss, my colleagues and the atmosphere at work remain exhausting and challenging, yet I realized that I am now really good at staying separated from that and I am remaining grounded in my own self. I now enjoy my work so much more again!

I also gained clarity about what I actually want from my job there. I am confident that I will make a lot of beneficial experiences throughout the next year.”

“I recently had the realization, that life is not..

a battle… yet that’s what it felt like for such a long time, and defined my thinking and way of approaching things. Now I can look at life in a more playful way. I long for ease and realize that it is easy to reach with an attitude of appreciation.

I still keep on slipping into a mode of lack and deficiency. It helps me to ask myself “is there any benefit for me to think this way, does it benefit others?” I feel like the exercises you gave me in our last session strengthen me in such a way that I won’t even let me slip into that lacking-mode again. I am truly grateful for that.”

At you receive
non-normative, trans* affirming, antiracist, body positive, neurodiverse and trauma informed support.

Work with me.

Let's start an empowering conversation about the change you seek. Simply book “Let’s talk” or dive in with an Initial Session.

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