Relationships are... complicated, awesome, connected & about letting go

RELATIONSHIPS ARE… QUEER, AWESOME, COMPLICATED, CONNECTED, ABOUT GROWTH & LETTING GO.  Let’s get personal. As a coach I help my clients figure out what to do about their relationships. Because for most people relationships are complicated. For a while I thought I should call myself a break-up coach, because I have helped many through their times of break-up. Yet what I also do is help people imagine what an awesome relationship could look like for them. This is different for everyone. Exclusive romantic couple, polyamorous, platonic relationships, families of choice, … It is fair to say that I am very open to different forms of relationships and quite non-judgemental, when it comes to living your personal version of awesome relationships. But as I said, let’s get personal. My wife and I have been together for 12 years now and we have two kids 8 & 6 years old. While I have 10 years of experience as a relationship coach and counsellor, there are a lot of things I am personally still figuring out about living in a good relationship, being a good partner and mom while staying connected to myself. At the same time there are things I know certainly don't work for me (or for others in that matter), and I have learned some valuable lessons on why my relationship with Joanna was able to thrive the way it did. In celebration of our 10 year anniversary in 2017, I created an email series with stories that give you personal insights into everything relationship from my life with Joanna, and from my roughly ten years of experience as a coach and counselor on relationship issues. Whether you are getting over a break-up, are madly in love, stuck in the daily grind or happily single, I share these stories with you to make you laugh, inspire some new thoughts and give you an insight into how a queer relationship coach rocks her own relationship.

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Hi, I am Joy, my mission is to empower individuals with complex experiences to find clarity within themselves and act courageously in their life. I coach people to overcome fears of failure, reconnect with inner guidance, and craft practical steps to achieve their goals.

From navigating your relationships and career to embracing neurodiversity and personal growth, my holistic approach is tailored to your needs. Let's start an empowering conversation about the change you seek.

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