Inner Journey - Sessions

Want you connect to your inner source, take an inside look around your own body for wisdom and knowledge, process painful memories and gain strength and clarity for your next steps? That is what Inner Journey sessions are all about! We meet on zoom for a 2 hour session, you get to sit back and relax, and I guide you through a powerful process that is powered by your own body wisdom. My Inner Journey sessions are based on the “Physical Journey” process by Brandon Bays, who I trained with a decade ago. Our body holds so much wisdom. If you ever wondered why you can understand things with your mind, but that does not help you shift your emotions or actually change how you do and approach things, the answer may lay in your cellular memory. An Inner Journey allows you to get answers from your own body, let go of the charge of painful memories, access forgiveness for yourself and others and strengthen your mind body connection. I integrate a 3 hour Inner Journey session in my monthly coaching packages, and my 2 hour Inner Journeys are available to all clients on an individual basis. Feel free to contact me, to learn more about Inner Journeys and how they can help you in your process.

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Joy Zalzala-Soyka - Portrait Photo

Hi, I am Joy, my mission is to empower individuals with complex experiences to find clarity within themselves and act courageously in their life. I coach people to overcome fears of failure, reconnect with inner guidance, and craft practical steps to achieve their goals.

From navigating your relationships and career to embracing neurodiversity and personal growth, my holistic approach is tailored to your needs. Let's start an empowering conversation about the change you seek.

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non-normative, trans* affirming, antiracist, body positive, neurodiverse and trauma informed support.

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