Sticks & Stones visitors: Thank You!

I had a great weekend in Munich at the Sticks & Stones Career Fair for LGBTI. I want to thank all you great people, who were there. It was really inspiring to be amongst such a diverse crowd of talented people. If we didn't have a chance to meet in person at the Sticks & Stones thank you for visiting my website. Take a look around at the Free Resources and my Coaching Offer for LGBTI's. And I also have an Online Course coming up in October about "Ambition & Serenity. Thriving at Work." If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks to all of you, who listened to my talk "Be Brave - Come Out", who came to me with a question or feedback, and who signed up for coaching. I will soon put up my speakers notes with additional resources about coming out and being true to yourself in the workspace. Sign up to my newsletter below, and I will let you know when it is available. You are all awesome and I look forward to being in touch with you in the future, Joy

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Hi, I am Joy, my mission is to empower individuals with complex experiences to find clarity within themselves and act courageously in their life. I coach people to overcome fears of failure, reconnect with inner guidance, and craft practical steps to achieve their goals.

From navigating your relationships and career to embracing neurodiversity and personal growth, my holistic approach is tailored to your needs. Let's start an empowering conversation about the change you seek.

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